وهذه قناتنا الجديدة : قناة شمس المحسن
سلام ومحبة لجميع الاخوة والاخوات , منتديات استفق وكذلك قناة الحقيقة عبر اليوتيوب بنيت من اجلك انت ايها الانسان منك واليك وفي سبيلك ولأجل ابناء النور الطيبين ابناء روح الحياة , لتحفيز الاذهان وتنوير الطريق امام طلاب المعرفة والحكمة , فأذا رغبت في دوام هذا الصرح واردت ان تكون ممن شارك وساهم في دعمه وبقائه فتبرع وشارك وساهم في رقي هذا الصرح المفيد والنافع للجميع.
We are a non-profit organization completely supported by you, the members. Many organizations have web sites, servers and Internet bandwidth donated by it's members. We pride ourselves on being run and owned as a community, and not by a few power-hungry members. This means that we need you to be a part of that community. We encourage every member to contribute to the community in any way that they can. Since we do not have our servers or bandwidth donated, we have pay our bills every month to keep things going. For those of you who can, we ask that you make a small monetary contribution in whatever denomination you'd like. Every little bit counts